Havasu Deuce Show Connects 1932 Ford Enthusiasts

Havasu Deuces 1932 Ford Show

What makes a car show stand out from others? Is it the setting? Is it the organization? Most definitely. But for the planners of the Havasu Deuce Show that features the 1932 Ford, it’s also about creating an ego-free environment that feels more like a social gathering than an event. And based on the atmosphere and the comments from the participants, the Havasu Deuces carried out their plan to a T.

The two-day gathering began on Friday with a garage tour that featured four of Havasu’s finest car collections. This is kind of like a StarMap for car guys. Under the sunny skies of Lake Havasu City, participants took full advantage of the morning resulting in all four locations being packed during the entire three hours. There was no time for rest however, as the garage tour was immediately followed by Deuce Night-a street gathering on McCulloch Blvd. that saw hot rods lining up as early as 2 p.m. This main street of Lake Havasu City is no stranger to car scenes, but never before has it played host to the collection of 1932 Ford Roadsters as it did that evening.

The festivities concluded on Saturday with the Havasu Deuce Show at the Rotary Park ball fields. This spectacular venue offered participants and spectators a grass surface to enjoy the cars and a large tent to sit and relax under. The show served as a fund raiser for the Lake Havasu High School athletic programs, and there were several students present as volunteers. But it wasn’t only the student athletes that got involved in the show, the trophies for the 1957 or earlier car category were fabricated by the high school’s auto shop class. The students’ efforts and enthusiasm for the Havasu Deuce Show did not go unnoticed as shown by the generous donations from the participants.

As advertised, the Havasu Deuce Show featured the 1932 Ford, and all told there were 187 of them at Rotary Park on Saturday. But missing from the last two days were the ego and one-upmanship that can dampen the enjoyment of these types of gatherings and that’s just fine with the Havasu Deuces.

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